Out and About in Memphis 3-9-2016
This Is Memphis Black Restaurant WEEK! Created by Memphis transplant,
Cynthia Daniels, it is dedicated to highlighting black restaurants in
the city.
I kicked it off yesterday and dined at The Bistro. For 11.00 I
received a drink, a meat, two sides, and a dessert. You cant beat that
deal. The macaroni and cheese and peach cobbler were stand out
Here is a list of participating restaurants and their menus! Join in
and tag #mbrw16 on social media.
I recently spoke with Antwuan Williams. He is attempting to redefine
how we look at urban black men through his photo/video project United
WE Stand. He is bringing together men from all areas of town,
dressed in their finest attire to visually address the stereotypical
images of men in the “hood” that constantly litter our social media
and television screens.
A product of the “hoods” himself, Antwuan has paid his dues in the
streets and now works as an IT professional. He wants to show the
youth that there are other ways to make it. He is also hoping that
this event will be a networking event, and other men and women who
are passionate about affecting positive change in our communities,
will come together to continue the work long after the event has
The event is currently scheduled to take place on March 26th. You
can join the facebook event page here…
For all of my independent artists, Ardent is holding a music business
forum on March 9th from 5-7pm. A former soundexchange executive will
explain publishing, the new royalty rates and much more. Facebook
event page with more details is here…
On the music front, Lalah Hathaway will be at the Orpheum on Saturday!
one of my favorite local artists, Idaly Maceano, released her new track "Rolex"
Check it out!
JDS introduced us to American Flame
and of course.. I'm still bumpin that Tyke T "This Can't Be Life"
anyway. Get out and enjoy this weather and all the city has to offer! Drop a comment with any interesting events, restaurants or music that you come across.