Man tries to rob bank in Mississippi to get money for sex change.


Serial bank robber named Iconic Facce was found guilty this week on two counts of armed robbery for robbing a Mississippi bank two years ago to finance sexual reassignment surgery. Ahead of her trial, Iconic Facce pleaded guilty to the charges and was given the maximum sentence of 15 years. 

Facce entered BancorpSouth in Gulfport, Mississippi on March 22, 2019, where she handed a teller a note that read, "You have 1 min to give the money do not be wrong or die." No weapon was shown during the robbery, and still images from the surveillance footage were sent out to the public to help identify the robber. 

Ashford Police were able to identify Facce, and they showed a photo lineup to the tellers at BancorpSouth, who identified Iconic Facce as the robber. Facce was arrested at the Houston International Airport, as she attempted to reenter the county one week after the robbery. She was returning from Mexico with her face covered in bandages following plastic surgery.

Facce, who was previously known as Jimmy Maurice Lewis II, was found guilty of another robbery on January 20, 2009. Facce was sentenced to 51 months to serve in that case.

Source: NY Post 

1 comment

Anonymous said...

Good luck tryna convince people that youre a woman as a hairy pencil necked bobblehead lmao