All around us the topic of conversation is directed to the senseless murders of Philando Castile, Alton Sterling, and the death of five Dallas police officers that occurred this week. While Black Lives Matter seems to be the fitting hashtag in the fight against police brutality, some counter it with "All Lives Matter" to suggest that Black lives are not of importance when it comes to the fatalities in the hands of police. Although, study shows, people of color are more likely to be killed by authority than Whites, President Obama reiterated the meaning one last time during his speech July 7, "When people say black lives matter, that doesn't mean blue lives don't matter. It just means all lives matter but right now, the big concern is the fact that the data shows black folks are more vulnerable to these kinds of incidents."
To understand the meaning is important before posting the hashtag due to it's popularity on social media, and in Fetty Wap's case, he learned the hard way. Thursday [July 7], the New Jersey native tweeted "My kids are mixed... #AllLivesMatter." Automaticaly, he was swarmed with comments in a heat of backlash. Shortly, the rapper deleted the post and apologized for his misjudgement and told his followers that he wasn't aware what the hashtag represented.

Th rapper further apologized in the comment section on the Shaderoom Instagram page, "I didn't mean to disrespect anyone... but I won't post any more on the subject I apologize," later adding, "I didn't fully understand the hashtag I [am] really sorry to those who I offended ... on my life I would never disrespect nobody family I ain't better than no one I just was speakin for my kids not knowing the full meaning I can take criticism , but I'm man enough to apologize."
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