I'm a "STRONG BLACK FEMALE" last I checked, I never settle 4 anything & always demand my respect! We go through so much but we still stand, walking wit our heads up high not needing validation from any man! Why am I going through dis Lord I cant take it, dats when he whispered "U ARE A STRONG BLACK FEMALE I KNOW U CAN MAKE IT" Some of us cook, clean, raise our kids, work & still go to school,U can call a BLACK FEMALE what u want but u can never call her a FOOL She will always know her worth no matter how many times she been talked about, lied on, mistreated & used U can say what u want but u couldnt last a day n her shoes..SHE will stand no matter how many times she been knocked off her feet, Independent & hard working, She's strong even when she's weak! She will smile when she's happy & cry when she's mad, she knows how 2 keep what she got & let go of what she had. She holds it together even when she's falling apart, the most dangerous person u could meet is a BLACK WOMAN wit a broken HEART!!!!
Strong Black Female by: Ebony Coobs
Reviewed by acemillion
August 30, 2013
Rating: 5
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