Aisha Raison - Speaking in Cursive and Other Adventures Of Little Girl Blue:Sake of applause

I don't run laps on tracks
for the sake of applause
nor do i run in place
cause my race and dark skin
grants me opportunity to talk
unity at eulogies
of the souls of Black folk -
I am African by birth and ancestry
from my coiled naps to my swollen feet
that meet pavement not to chase
but to embrace those that walked before me
that walk with me
and speak through me
through every step I make -
opressing another to get by
and get through the so called rat race
to embrace six digits, fancy rags and European cars
will never amount to much
as the status quo
molds you as the next reality superstar...
in their eyes
you're still driving and living and breathing
while BLACK
as their lack of melanin of others
create the progress of holding you back -
our sons let their pants hang
for the sake of swag
while never knowing why
your great great great great uncle hung
long before you got all you have -
those jordans aren't gonna move you further in line, son
those red bottoms aren't gonna push you
to the front of the line, daughter -
know thyself
know that those before you
that learned the truth
wore the shoes of God's design
without tripping when they passed the baton -
grandmama was no flojo
but she flowed and fed her children
without losing herself in the rat race
even when her race held her back or down -
papa was no Jesse Owens
but with his swift movement
the hurdles were jumped
without tripping over life's obstacles -
I embrace my ancestors through bare feet
and run my race through the dirt, mud
and rocks that could have bruised me -
It could have made me stumble
tumble through life through strife
cause someone told me to sit down
and that my feet were much too large
to stomp with God -
but I'm too busy
trying get this next lap out...
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