Broken But Healed: by Ebony Cobbs

Written by: Ebony Cobbs
I walk around with the weight of the world on my shoulders, I thought it would get better as I got older
People treated me like I wasn't shit, & to be honest i'm sick of it!
U can look me in my eyes & tell that i've been hurt, my heart is no longer in my chest, I wear it on my shirt.
I wear it there so people are able to see it, it was trapped
behind my ribs waiting for me to free it.
I searched for love in all the wrong places, that's when I realized that people had not only 1 but 2 faces.
They smile in my face but threw dirt on my name, there's no way in hell one person should be feeling this much pain
I'm trying to free me from myself but the only option I have is death
If I kill myself everything would be fine, but I dnt have it in me to leave my babies behind
Who will love my kids like me, Lord help me to stop thinking so selfishly
My kids need me because to them i'm mom & dad, I never had much but I gave them all I had
I'm not complaining i'm just stating facts, the things that I been through I wouldn't take none of it back
God told me he was gone take me through then bring me out clean & for that reason alone, I have a song to sing
My heart no longer aches & my life i'm finally able to live,God smiled on me "I'm BROKEN BUT FINALLY HEALED"
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