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ArchAngel: OmniBus Album REVIEW

Music can save someone's life. With no instrumental support Arch voice range in validity. His words carry ambition, strength and some doubt. A message written for its listeners or Arch himself? 

Introduced first the song "Delirious" the production is immediately mesmerizing.  Chunky bass-linesechoing drums drown away in the soft melody. The production is perfectly subtle.  Arch lyrics are strong and extremely personal. He speaks on his depression and mental obedience. The voices of doubt that often cloud him in his journey to becoming successful. The musicality and flow is perfectly delivered. His pace coast on an mid-tempo range and ever falls below exciting. A topic rarely touched by MC's Arch delivers this introduction on a grandeur platform. No chorus as the production bridges a place for change, this record worked best to let the beat "breathe" during open slots. It concludes against with an poetry piece explaining the mounds and different layers of depression. Go to the next track "Avidity" a laid-back J-dilla esque production. The melody to the instrumental is front line as the beat gives you a solid head nod. "JayThaKemist" feature kicks off first. His voice is clear and flow pattern is tangible on the beat. He touches on the city of Memphis and his contrast from him and the norm. His voice is hazy and blends the perfect combination from the softer production. Arch comes in with an similar tempo to Jay. Mid-tempo flow pattern with some witty wordplay and expressive lyrics. Jay and Arch trade bars throughout the record. No chorus accompanies this piece but grants a rest period during its breakdown. Although the tone of the production is different Arch delivers a similar topic. The trails of a troubled city baptized in its truth. The song gives you a reminiscent feel perfectly placed in the line up of Omnibus. The next record “Fixation” comes in with deep bass and low mids. The production is fair nothing special or anything to gravitate towards. Cheering crowds and simplistic beat patterns accompany an overused instrumentation. Arch comes in and gives a performance that fits the aroma. He gives us his signature “note stretch” with heavy vibrato formulated in. This time instead of feeling more natural it hits a gimmicky tone. Its more blatant and loses its creative factor. The chorus has its favorable factors. The verse is just simply ok leaving little to break the mold on this record. Arch still crafted something very likable about this track. The concept is fun, song isn't taken too serious and his last verse gives the piece a new design. “Hostility” is immediate with its production. The bass is heavy and soaked in a southern  atmosphere. The beat structure has a great bounce connected to it. The chorus is stagnant and never crosses over into the amplified aggression that's presented. The dubs in the chorus have more passion and animation but are pushed too far behind the main vocal to appreciate. Verse wise arch delivers an amazing performance. Lyrically creative he delivers metaphors that make you scrunch your nose. He makes up for the lacking chorus in such an amazing verse. The alibs are perfectly designed granting you that “Crunk Memphis Style”. These song types are usually dependent on the chorus. Arch manages to get it back about the verses. “Lust” the next record on OMNIBUS album.  Immediately you dive into a trance melodic hiphop cadence.  The production is smooth and highly upscale.  Melody takes over the drums and the kicks fall into the backstage.  Center stage is the vibe this record emits. Arch verse is instantly captivating as his rap style starts off scattered in coordination. He delivers his signature vibrato-rap pattern. Combining the lines of sexy and risky, Arch is in his element. The chorus is simple repeat of about 4 bars. Bleached heavy into the instrumentation the screwed effects blend directly into the song. His feature “Soulman Snipes” voice clarity is impeccable.  His rap flow is standard with no loops or turns. Every word can be heard and gives this record the x-factor. His alibs are poached with stereo effects which gives this song an easy appeal. Lyrically Soul raps formulate around passion and gives a more subtle approach to his touch on lust. The dynamic difference between the artist climb to the “woman” is what makes this record so diverse. “Clench” being the next record on the album. The production is pulled back from its slight southern roots. Bold kicks a smokey reverb all supported by its infectious melody.  The chorus has appeal but not enough to move us. Its in bar format and just sound like an insert more than an highlight as most choruses are meant to be. Its supported by Arch's a-libs but still not enough to break the mold on mediocre. Arch kicks off the first verse with a slow and clear delivery. Lyrically its deep and gives off a strong sense of  his hardships. At one point the beat breaks down and it becomes evident of his passion. His feature “Logiq” has a simplistic flow pattern and slowed down tempo. Although it fits into the tempo of the track. The song drags if you bypass the message. Leaving this to fall short of delivering the entertainment and the idea. The musicality isn't challenge at all but lyrically its a worthy listen. “Fetish” comes in with a mesmerizing poise that confiscates your attention. The production is immediately tantalizing and seductive. The beat takes a backseat as the melody is king. His performance on this record is grand. This song gives you translucent yet vivid picture. The lyrics are well placed and supported with late reverb. The chorus is small but fit into the musicality of the piece. Something supporting the underline chorus would of been amazing.  Towards the end the record felt bare leaving so much left to be desired. The piano keys that kicked in during the chorus was an amazing moment. Instead of capitalizing it felt as if Arch just relied on the production. An amazing record that felt like it never reached its full potential. “Rapture” the last song on the album. The record snatches you into that boom-bap feel. “K-I” his feature instantly comes in and amps the song greatly. Metaphors and flow patterns are passionately reminiscent to 1990's hiphop. He keeps his verse fresh as it surpasses the standard 16. KI fits perfectly on this golden era throw back feel. Arch comes in and delivers a custom version of his normal flow. Metaphors show face every so often as his verse never loses his charm. Holding unto his southern charm Arch drives this record through the streets of Queens. A vivid end to a album beautifully told through stories of emotional constraints. With the combination of poetry, song titles, and Arch's performances this album was deeply thought out. Although some of the depth in this project was hard to uncover. The project was concentrated and felt like it never really took its way into orbit. The story felt unfinished, which could have been completed in the amount given. Arch choruses lacked as verses seem to take the majority of  the spotlight.  Arch never had a verse that misfired and production always seem to be well organized. With more content and a deeper ocean to swim I felt I could have got much more out of the album. Arch was always entertaining and never disappointed on the front of that. The album as a whole just only gave enough to want more. Song structure was almost always standard format. Not alot of surprises or risk taken by Arch. Although the album had diversity it was just not enough on the plate or enough seasoning to fully please our taste. But, we are definitely leaving a tip and coming back next time we are hungry. Hopefully the next project has more on the menu.





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