Dr. Ben Carson Says That President Obama Was Raised White and not in the Hood
Dr. Ben Carson Charges That President Obama Was “Raised White”
We’ve had just about enough Dr. Ben Carson. His policies don’t seem very ambitious, he’s boring, robotic and slightly aloof. Black or not, he in no way represents what most African-Americans want to see out of a presidential candidate.
If none of those reasons were enough to make you dislike the beady-eyed doctor, perhaps this will sour you on Uncle Ben. In a recent Politico podcast, Dr. Carson says that President Obama wasn’t raised in the hood, but was “raised white”. That’s right ladies and gentlemen, Dr. Ben Carson has challenged the President street cred like this is some 8 Mile rap battle.
Dr. Ben Carson Says That President Obama Was Raised White and not in the Hood
Reviewed by acemillion
February 23, 2016
Rating: 5