Aisha Raison - Speaking in Cursive and Other Adventures Of Little Girl Blue : 1989

See it all started in
That summer
Another number played on
Cassette players and cd changers
That made the boom box blast -
Our past consists of 
The great big Cadillac
(Diamond in the back
Sunroof top
While diggin' the scene in a gangsta lean)
Dreams of making bank
Were washed away with a 40 ounce
And set adrift in memory bliss
Of indo smoke and newports -
Never knowing our seeds would pick up bad habits
As we bred like rabbits
Children that would possibly never see 30 -
Some were exposed to superfly
But never knew about sweetback
And by the time those kids turned five
They were exposed to the boyz in the hood
And that sad menace to society -
To us
It was nothing but a g thing, baby
So bad our generation was crazy
Fed Ex and McDonold's would pay me
But some futures were looking real hazy
See, we got around 
But thought that those crazy moments 
Would never come back and haunt us -
Now those babies some daddies
taught gang signs for fun
Are holding up liquor stores
And raiding homes for x boxes and ps3's
And wii's
Synthetic weed and methanfedamines
While crying out the words of that old negro tune-
Swing low
Sweet chariot stop
Let me ride -
But I don't want to ride before my time -
This rhyme is for those
Who thought that 
Dr. Dre would always push the chronic
That Ice Cube would always be Amerikkka's Most Wanted
That Biggie was born to die -
Some never knew that they were only selling
Ghetto fairy tales
And some of us bought it
And paid with our dreams and our health
No wealth was ever coming in that way
And some got left in the dust
Of tattooed dreams and kush filled wishes -
No cash ruled everything around it
Because we were astounded 
By a hype life that didn't have our
Happily ever after in mind...

Swing down
Sweet chariot, stop
And let me off...

I can walk.

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