Floyd Mayweather says He'll Be at Trump's Inauguration

Floyd Mayweather Jr. has confirmed that he will be in attendance at Donald Trump's inauguration ceremony next week.

Image result for floyd mayweatherTMZ caught up with the boxing great in New York City on Thursday night [Jan. 12], and inquired into his time spent with the President-elect during a closed-door meeting in December, before asking the question that many celebrities have steered clear from.  "Am I going to go to D.C.? Yea, y'all will see me in D.C. Ya'll will see me in D.C. looking good. All Black affair. Bow tie? Or regular tie?" said Floyd.

Before addressing the topic of Trump's swearing in, Mayweather saluted President Obama for his principled character. He urged Americans to grant Trump the benefit of the doubt and hope for the best. According to The Money Team boss, Trump has been nothing but supportive of him in the past.

Source: youtube.com