J.D.S GoodNight Sky (Album Review)
J.D.S introduces his first album GoodnightSky. Does this album hold strong unto its ambition, or will it become an nightmare plagued for its listeners. Find out with the Exclusive interview only at Viralvoice.
J.D.S GoodNight Sky directly tunes into the core of chill-hop. Euphoria starts off with stretched out auto tune effects supporting his vocals. The melody is mystic and lay you into a deep trance. His voice is crisp and his tone sounds amazing. His feature supports him in a duet based format. The performance of the duet is amazing. The tango between the two blends well and offers a great experience. The heavy base drops grants the instrumental an undeniable croon. Added with the slow piano melody you're captured into the vibe perfectly. Some of J.D.S higher more riskier notes provide some floating ambition. The chorus is a throw-back of an older RB track. Its just okay and didn't really support any creativity to notion in the first portion. On the 2nd portion he raps and once again his tone is amazing. His flow scheme is similar to the "new school" clean clear and paced. As an entry record its amazingly crafted, falling short at the chorus. But carried with the undeniable talent across his multiple features. Clouds the next record on the album starts with another melodic tempo. The production is similar to the previous record. Supporting his paced out flow and poetically vivid lyrics. A simple sample sits background to J.D.S vocals, which is supported well. J.D.S. vocals are immediately captivating and hinders your spirit. The lyrics are very meaningful as he seems to have a conversation with God about the afterlife. Vocally his voice is warm as he often drifts from elongated notes tangled with a smooth rap format. The chorus is touching and lyrically fitting. The chorus is supported with vocals from (Ms.Joyce and Alma Almaz) which adds on to the beauty of the piece. The mixing of the vocals among each other blend in such a smooth unison its mesmerizing. The format of the chorus is standard and don't really take any risk. But that never stops this record from granting you chills and surpassing the gold standard of musicality. The next record Super brings a different approach from the previous records of GoodNight Sky. A lonely piano leads as JDS rap flow formulates a different cadence. JDS taps more into his rap blueprint on this record. The flow supports many different styles in the verse as the production is more laid back and easier to create too. Lyrics are witty, fun and overall gives you a chill vibe. The ad-libs aren't creative but are well placed and designed into the song well. The chorus is what take the shine on this one. The beat and tempo slightly switches and gives you an infectious bounce. The adlibs are heavy and perfectly crowded which are pleasingly entertaining. J.D.S verses never become dull which always keep you interested lyrically. Fly to the next record Tokyo creatively the production shines. Heavy baselines tied with an Asian inspired mid low-instrumentation. Very melodic and contagious the song takes on a creative toll. J.D.S. comes in with a refreshing sound and brings more personality and ambition. The lyrics to his verse are open with no real topic or structure. J.D.S. keeps you interested throughout with light metaphors and a manageable flow. Nothing manages to really capture your attention as the song just seems to coast. The chorus is done by his feature: Jay DaSkreet. Regular bar format which is supported by the production break down. Nothing sparks your interest beyond as the chorus is simply just ok. The verse from Jay DaSkreet becomes cumber as the instrumental at this point starts to feel redundant and underwhelming. Jay lyrics are well done and support the song well. The song never manages to grant you anything but "this is cool" feel. Leaving you wanting more towards the conclusion. Conversations goes back to its familiar somber piano vibe with little support for beats and ticks. Production during the verse is satisfying and gives you a grand feel. J.D.S once again delivers a great verse. Vivid lyrics, creatively driven and poetically soaked verse schemes. Although during some parts we hoped for more vocal range and risk. Something that could've touch us deeper than the surface. His chorus was ambitious but slightly negated from the passion. The 2nd bridge of the chorus opens up the song even more. When JDS sings "Is that cool" and the production kicks into a heavy synth-ed sounding sax infused piano. It gives you that chill factor this album is coming to be known for. The production getting a chance to breath through that moment and letting it shine in all its glory was genius by JDS. His feature: Idaly Maceano provides vocals for the second verse. She does a mixture of held notes and stop and go rap formats. Her lyrics provide a simplistic approach, but flow pattern make up for any shortcomings. Her vocal range is smaller than JDS, which is shown when side by side. Idaly provides and infectious bounce and her voice grants a soothing tone amongst the instrumental. JDS adds some supportive adlibs throughout Idaly verse. But was pressed to far into the background which gave little to the final mix. The closing verse goes into JDS traditional duet approach as him and Idaly sings it together. The mix is slightly lower on Idaly's end giving the duet much less luster, as their voices don't mix as well as previous duets on the project. The next record: Parachute is astonishingly produced and holds your attention through out. Simple beat patterns, perfectly placed melodies, camouflaged samples all add into such a regal piece.
J.D.S uses his common formatted stop and go flow. His bounce and rhythm is perfectly threaded into the instrumental. His warm vocals and witty yet poetic lyricism still has its charm. J.D.S never drops a step on this record. Some of his vocals on the chorus offered more auto-tune support as his vibrato seem to chart off key. Still through it all you are captured into his spacey cloud 9 approach to hip-hop that has you gravitating towards more. Go down to the next record: Gas the immediate thing you notice is the tempo of the song. The production is infused with "good feels" and a high level of instrumentation. A sample constantly accompanies the production which sounds amazing. Beat patterns are frantic yet held together perfectly. Switch ups and breakdowns bury you into an already amazing formulated piece. His feature: Idaly Maceano verse comes in first. Her vocals are calming and her rap format is extremely entertaining. Lyrics stay on topic and her vocal range and structure is amazing. Idaly never drops once through out her verse. Her alibs show her freedom as an artist and the construct behind her playful bully molded lyrics. Her bridge (chorus build) is in standard rap format. Supports the song as a whole and delivers a great connector to the main chorus. J.D.S. comes in and delivers a perfect chorus. Energetic, infectious, playful with a vocal range presented with ease. His alibs fall into common practice of the new school but still allows the song to breath its own creativity. J.D.S. is what blows this song out of orbit. Everything was well placed thought out and carefully approached. His sound was extremely organic and gave us a sense of clarity on where JDS shines best. His lyrics, slight use of metaphors and untouchable flow made this record a gem. Drop down to "Weekend" following the same format as his previous records. Smooth production, laid with melodic crooning chained with light auto-tuned effects. By this time in the album you have heard similar production tone and lyrics from J.D.S. With that being said he still delivers a great and experienced sound. He gives so much entertainment value with his lyrics, and flow pattern. His chorus is pressed gracefully into the production. Chasing its own ambitions while giving so much to the listeners. A new school love story told through impatient meet and greets and virgin highs. The last record on the album:Rainbows chauffeurs you out with a passionately driven record. The production is amazing and candied. JDS dives deeper into his personal life on this piece. The chorus is similar to his previous approach. His feature participates in parts of the song, which don't allow much room to blend perfectly. Striking a noticeable fault in the record. Goodnight Sky is melodic masterpiece with addicting lyrics and storytelling. Production is driven on the highest scale, with the ambition and hunger of a artist who sings and raps from the heart. That was evident and was felt almost in every record. Songs ricocheted unbelievable personality, flow format matched as feature choices seemed close to perfect. Very few hiccups can be found in this album. Your daydreaming was never hit with reality to wake up from it. JDS manages to capture many moments that go beyond judging if its a "good song". His freedom and simplicity to the sound was unteachable. Songs felt as if you were diving into a pool of cool waters peaking your head out into an moonlit desert scape. We were invited into album that deserves every possible standing ovation. Vocal range sometimes felt limited, but never shy. Never once were we bored. Never once did we awaken from Goodnight Sky. This is a classic Album.
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