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A Lot of Women Don't Know How to Seduce a Man

Amber Rose recently released her book, "How to Be a Bad B***," and she spoke to Time about a section dedicated to the art of seduction. The famed model said that she believes there's nothing wrong with seducing your man to get what you want.

She explains, "As women, we're fortunate enough to use our seductive skills in order to be able to get money from our significant others. I also talk about seduction in the book. A lot of women don't know how to seduce a man."

Amber added, "It is extremely easy once you get to that point, and you can get anything you want out of them. And I know it might sound messed up, but once you get to that point, it's not using. It's not using a man, it's literally getting what you want by any means necessary."

Amber also touched on running her empire, and she takes aim at those doubting her success, "I am a mogul. I have a bunch of businesses, I'm now an actress, I'm an author, I went on an entire world tour and I don't even sing. So if that doesn't tell you that I am an entrepreneur, then I don't know what does."

Source: Time Article Image: Amber Rose: A Lot of Women Don't Know How to Seduce a Man