Netflix has created a large library of original content that has been carrying the streaming service as of late. The most recent series is based on a futuristic African fantasy and three super-girls on a mission to save the world!

Produced by Triggerfish Animation Studios, ‘Mama K’s Team 4’ follows the lives of four teenage girls living in a futuristic version of Lusaka, Zambia. They are recruited by a retired secret agent to save the world and humanity!

The series was created by Zambian writer Malenga Mulendema and designed by the Cameroonian artist Malcolm Wopea. 
According to @variety, Mulendema said she was inspired to create Mama K’s by her own experience growing up in her native Zambia and watching cartoon heroes that looked nothing like her.

“In creating a superhero show set in Lusaka, I hope to introduce the world to four strong African girls who save the day in their own fun and crazy way,” she said. “Most importantly, I want to illustrate that anyone from anywhere can be a superhero.”

‘Mama K’s Team 4′ is the latest African original series for Netflix, which recently announced its first two dramatic series’ about the continent. The streaming service is now looking for African female writing talent to join the creative team.

“In addition to giving African writers a global platform on which to be heard, we are excited to present this powerful and entertaining new animated series,” said Netflix’s VP of original animation, Melissa Cobb. 
The network hopes that the series will bring a new sense of representation to the Netflix audience.

“Mama K’s Team 4 had the potential to give a whole new generation of African children the opportunity to see themselves on screen in the powerful, aspirational characters they look up to.”

The series does not have a release date yet, but Netflix hopes that fans are highly anticipating for the show to drop!