Drunk driver who killed minority gets 2 days in jail.

As if the criminal justice system couldn't be more arbitrary with its sentencing, a Kansas woman has now been given two days in jail for killing a motorcyclist while she was driving under the influence.
Back in January, Alexandra Eslinger pleaded guilty to vehicular homicide and driving under the influence for the July 2017 death of Jesus Navarro-Gonzalez. Investigators had said that Eslinger turned into a parking lot and caused the crash that killed the 35-year-old motorcyclist, while court records indicate that she had a blood-alcohol level of .102, above the legal limit of .08 at the time of the crash.
With that said, despite the loss of life both crimes are considered misdemeanors, thus Eslinger was only sentenced to the two days in jail, along with five days of house arrest, a year of probation, and a $1,200 fine. She will also have to complete out-patient drug and alcohol treatment and cannot use drugs or alcohol, or she'll be sentenced to a year in jail for violating probation.
Meanwhile, court records indicate that Eslinger had a previous DUI conviction, a fact that will likely spark more outrage considering the leniency of her sentence.
Source: CBS
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Nice blog tthanks for posting
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