Chris Hansen, host of To Catch a Predator, turned himself into police on Monday after being accused of writing a bad check. According to reports, Hansen wrote a check in the amount of $12,998.05 in September 2017 to a marketing vendor for mugs, t-shirts, and decals. The vendor made a formal complaint to police in April of last year after the bill was still left unpaid. 
An investigator reached out to Hansen and said they “understood that he may have trouble, but that nearly $13,000 is a lot of money to a ‘mom-and-pop’ business and it is not fair that he accepted the material but hasn’t paid for it.” Hansen allegedly told the vendor that he "sold a boat" in order to come up with the cash but the owed money never materialized. 
Hansen was released from jail after being charged with writing a bad check and signing a promissory note to appear in court. 