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JayDaSkreet- Walk The Line 3 Before It Drops: Interview


Image result for walk the line 3 jaydaskreet
Being here with Jay again feels good. We were welcomed into a exclusive sneak peak of the upcoming end to Stella mix-tape series: Walk the Line. This wont be our conventional interview or sit-down. Here we share our thoughts, he share his. And we just sit back and enjoy some music. 

In our listen to what was about six songs. It seems to us Jay's vision for WTL3 is even more evident than previous. It seems closer, and more organic. Lyrics that have a tone to carry more personal edge and heart. His flow pattern, melodies are all intact. Some of the commercial approach from WTL2 have been scrapped away. As one song was a vivid attack on the dire growth to the M.C. of today. Then on the other hand "Saturday Mourning" which may have been our shining star during the listening session. Without spoiling to much, he dives into an atmospheric morning. Told through the ambiance of production and extremely well done storytelling. A tandem of being an adult, but holding unto the simplicity of youth. Knowing that Saturday morning (usually when people are off work) is the only true time of peace. The production seems to be slightly exploratory for Jay. Maybe the lane of creativity was opened up further to bridge his creative process. These six songs each held its own vibe. Placement felt well, delivery and choruses seem to still carry that JayDaSkreet sound. We are looking forward to Walking the Line one more time as Jay plans to release sometime in July (Official Date TBA)

So why did you feel the need to do Walk the Line 3?

In one word... FANS! In actuality there was only supposed to be 1 Walk The Line. We made 2 because that's what the fans wanted and 3 is no different. I'm absolutely blown away by the fact that people love what we are creating.

Are you afraid to not reach the astounding success of Walk the Line 2?

I'm not afraid at all. Walk The Line 2 was HUGE but it was also its own project. It generated its own following that added to our original "walkers" from the first one. We are looking for that effect once again but we are not going in trying to duplicate anything.

On the song "Hindsight" you talked about giving up your hiphop career? How hard was it to write this song and how true is it?

Hindsight is a reflective piece of both personal and general views. It was not hard to write at all because it encompasses lots of feelings I have actually experienced. There were moments where I felt genuine sadness while writing It. It is ABSOLUTELY true with the exception of the me retiring... I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.

Whats the next single from Walk the Line 3? and why

Jackpot is the next and actually the FIRST official single release on the project. The reason we chose Jackpot is because it is a very fresh and new sound as far as I'm concerned and we wanted people to be prepared to not know what to expect. I'm exploring some new deliveries and sounds and I like keeping my fans on their toes.

How did you come up with the concept of "Saturday Morning"? 

The concept for Saturday actually came from the songs title which its "Saturday MOURNING" as in mourning the death of the Saturdays we knew as children. As adults there are so many things you have to give up and in some cases that includes your favorite times of your favorite days.

How important was "Slim Pro" to the success of Walk the Line Series?

Slim is completely and totally ESSENTIAL to the Walk The Line franchise! Not only does he produce the majority of the tracks for these projects he has also executive produced each of the released projects. He is the Pippen in our relationship. Also while we are on the subject of important pieces there is also Rock All at Montop Studios. He came on at the beginning of Walk The Line 2 as Executive Engineer and has helped to give us that professional sound quality that we felt our music deserved. He is back with us for Vol. 3 and we have also brought on board Fridae Blaque who is an amazing engineer to help bring our new soundscape to life.

Do you plan to always have Trilogy serried albums? 

I honestly don't, but that's because I don't plan that far out lol. Slim and I started out wanting to give people a chance to hear something different and real and the love has been so real we had to keep going. This project just feels like an outro to the whole series.


Being apart of "THE AGENCY" how has that changed the way you create and release music?

The Agency has not changed how I CREATE music at all. It has given me more of an outlet to release to my fans. The A is very supportive of the fact that I'm a studio junkie lol. We have even been running a campaign of releasing songs once a month just showcasing ourselves over industry beats.

How has Mrs.Skreet been handling your success as of late? Sometimes it can be hard on the counterpart of an artist

Well Mrs. Skreet has been handling everything allot better than most probably would lol. I think that's in part due to the fact that I have been including her in allot more things. Letting her see things first hand gives her a better understanding of how easily time can get away from you when you trying to do some great.

What has been your favorite show  you've done last year up till now?

 There have been several that I can name but I think the one I feel the most about is The "Queat & Daskreet" show that we did in March at the Height Lounge in Memphis. This show was so special because my cousin (Queat Harris) and myself have been making music together for a long time. We are ferocious Mississippi represented and to have a venue basically give us the building and let us do our own thang was monumental.

You ever think about moving to a bigger city that could mount your success quicker or on a larger scale? 

I actually think about moving quite often. I love my fans and my hometown and I believe they love me too so I like to think that if I made a move that would help me reach more fans my people would love and support me. I'm not in a hurry to go anywhere tho, because I have a lot of great things in the works for here really soon.

What can we expect from Walk the Line 3?

 Dope music, real situations and emotions and some BANG! This is not an introductory project. This cd is a continuation of what I consider to be a legacy. I have songs and lines referencing the previous Walk The Lines, I talk about some of the changes we have made since we started and we even sampled a song from Walk The Line 2!! People listening to Walk The Line 3 can expect a very in-depth look at who Jay DaSkreet actually is... 
