Fans try to push Rapper to Run for Mayor of Chicago is the home of the Chance-for-mayor movement. The website, constructed as a letter to Chance and the city of Chicago, states the organization's mission and notes Rahm Emanuel's shortcomings as mayor: "We know you don’t think of yourself as a politician, and we respect that. But this election is an opportunity for Chicago that we don’t want to miss," the site reads. "Rahm Emanuel has been in office since 2011. In that time we’ve seen the closure of 50 public schools, the largest in history. The city shut down 6 of its 12 mental health clinics. The Department of Justice found a pattern of civil rights violations by the Chicago Police Department, including but not limited to the murder of Laquan McDonald. It’s time for change."
On his 2015 song "Somewhere in Paradise," Chance raps, "They say I’m saving my city, say I’m stayin’ for good/They screamin’ Chano for mayor, I’m thinkin’ maybe I should."