Building An Empire: The Velisa Woods Interview
Take away one of the most important things that drive you to be great. To separate a mother from her daughter is caustic for both. Especially, when she was only striving for the greater of the two. Well beyond educated, often told she was over qualified. Pushed away from her comfort she knew she had to only rely on her dreams and ambitions for stability. Freeing herself from depression she became invested in her brand. Fighting for her child, her reputation and eventually seats next to biggest hip-hop acts of today. Velisa became more determined as more obstacles showed face. You are not going to stop her from Building an Empire. This is the exclusive interview of Velisa Woods only at V2.
Tell us who is Velisa Woods?
Velisa Woods is a mother, educator, Manager for hip hop artist Jay DaSkreet, Video and Film Director, Event Coordinator, Promoter, Booking agent, and lover of music.
So you grew up in the South Memphis area with just you and your mother? How was
My childhood consisted of being around family with my father being a huge part of my life from conception though we were not in the same household. My mom worked for the IRS and my dad has always been self employed. My father, grandfathers, and uncle were all business owners. My mom, grandmothers, and aunts were extremely hard workers. South Memphis is always home. I grew up in a time where the community was involved in raising the community and black owned businesses were everywhere.
When did you first fall in love with music?

You always wanted to be a singer. But decided to pursue a career as an entrepreneur. What do you think drove you to that path.
For one I don't think Im that good of a singer lol. The career as an entrepreneur comes from the desire to run my own shit.
Tell us about that time you where you faced tenure charges for something that happen as a teacher?
Well, sometimes you know when its time to leave a place or let something go but instead of you walking away, you stay in hopes of the situation changing or fear. It was time for me to go. I basically was out on medical leave and wasn't mentally ready to come back. I had a less than favorable Principal that decided to report me to Labor Relations. And there the bull shit started so I had to make a decision to leave or fight then in pressing charges against my license that I earned.
You went through a bad time of depression. How did you overcome that and any advice you would give to someone else?

You are writing a short film that touches on the secret lives of teachers?
Well not only the secret lives of educators but one woman's journey through life obstacles as an educator while pursuing a career in the entertainment industry. I don't know how I'm going to fit that into 15 minutes.
You actually lost custody of your daughter at the age of 3? What happen, how was that time without her and did you ever manage to get custody back.
I got pregnant at the age of 19 and a sophomore in college. He was also 19. To sum it up, Shelby County Juvenile Court gave custody of my child to her father because I moved out of state to continue with my degree. Her paternal grandmother convinced her father that if he got custody, he would no longer have to pay child support. Her father and his mother lied and claimed that he didn't know where we were among other things. Everyone knew where we were and why we were there. I remember being told by my attorney that I was better off being a drug addict than going to college. There really wasn't a time that I was without her. I had visitation and even when I moved to other cities I was up and down I-55. I have received custody back 10 years later. It was a very difficult time for me especially since I was trying to provide for my child.
You have been self employed for how many years? How did you manage to create such a successful stream of revenue.
Lol, All I can say is the Most High God and believing in myself.
What does RBS stand for? What type of company is RBS ent.
RBS stands for Rebuilding Brothas and Sistas. RBS Ent is a promotional and management company.
What is the biggest misconception most artist have for managers. How does an artist know its time to get an a manager?

What has been your best and worst business decisions/deals so far?
My worst decision is starting out and not having the capital. The best decision so far was bringing my first major (major in my eyes) act to Memphis.
#What has been one of your favorite moments with RBS?
My favorite moment with RBS Ent was last year 2015. I received V.I.P passes to the Big K.R.I.T Kritically Acclaimed Tour as a result of me working with an Inspiring Dreams Conference (Shout out to James Carter!) so I took Jay DaSkreet. The concert was great and the meet n greet was amazing. Anyone who knows me knows Im a HUGE Big K.R.I.T fan. I got the chance to talk and hug Big K.R.I.T. He whispered in my ear to keep promoting and managing these artists.
Any shout outs, Projects, sites. Where can the people of Viralvoice find Velisa Woods? Or possibly get connected/signed/or managed by RBS.
Shout out to Jay DaSkreet and my children Alex and Aaron!

Right now, I am working on the script for de*cipher (a short film), booking dates for the Walk the Line 2 Tour (Our 1st date is Jun 25th in Jackson, MS), working on a 90s Party with the 69 Boyz, Southern Underground Hip Hop Show with rapper Delorean out of Houston, TX, Marcel P. Black (Baton Rouge, LA, among others, a couple of Neo Soul shows and showcases. I think that is it for shows. My daughter is graduating from high school this year and my son will be entering high school. Anyone can find me on Facebook-Velisa Woods & RBS Ent, Instagram-@rebuildingbrothas_ sistas, Twitter @V_WoodsofRBS