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Stacey Dash Suspended for Obama Doesn't Give a S*** Comment

Fox News analyst, Ralph Peters and contributor, Stacey Dash were both suspended for using profane language while talking about president Obama's reaction towards the San Bernardino shootings last week.

Sunday, Peters called Obama "a total p****" during an interview on the Fox Business Network while the former Clueless actress slipped up and said that the President's speech seemed insensitive and that he didn't "give a s***" about the recent terror attack.

According to CNN, the network's Senior Executive Vice President Bill Shine confirmed their suspension over the usage of obscene language saying, "Earlier today, Fox contributors Lt. Col. Ralph Peters and Stacey Dash made comments on different programs that were completely inappropriate and unacceptable for our air." He continued, "Fox Business Network and Fox News Channel do not condone the use of such language, and have suspended both Peters and Dash for two weeks."

Both Dash and Peters tweeted about their "timeout" from the network in which Peters assured followers, "Don't worry, I'll be back."

Dash also confirmed her temporary leave writing, "Consequences. Some of us have to pay them. Gladly."

Source: CNN