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Waka Flocka clarifies on Caitlyn Jenner outlook

Waka Flocka Clarifies Caitlyn Jenner Comments After BacklashWaka Flocka took to Twitter to clarify his comments on Caitlyn Jenner and the transgender community, after he was criticized for his comments on the Breakfast Club earlier this week.

During his appearance at the Power 105.1's The Breakfast Club, the rapper shared his thoughts about mainstream entertainment after being asked about his wife's departure from VH1's Love and Hip Hop Atlanta. The rapper says images of the single party life and Caitlyn Jenner's story have been pushed to the forefront of America, while family values and family are non-existent.

"You know what the world is today, man? Women are afraid to be a wife and young males are afraid to be men," he said. "It's like it's not cool, they're not marketing that. They don't market families and husbands and wives no more. They're marketing young girls, transgenders, they're marketing evil, man."

He also spoke candidly of Jenner's story and how it aligns with his faith.

"I ain't saying nothing against like a Bruce Jenner, you follow me, you are who you are when God made you, not who you became after he did," he said. "That's how I just feel. You rebuking God. God ain't put them feelings in you, that's the devil playing tricks on your mind. That's a test from God."

After Waka was hit with criticism and labeled as being transphobic, he explained on Twitter his statements. "I have nothing against transgender people. I simply feel we need to be careful what our children see as "sensationalized" He also says he was wrong for using the word "evil," but still stands by his statements. "Children's brains are a constant development to adulthood. And they pay attention to everything whether we want to accept it or not. I'm a father now so I look at life a lot differently."Image: Waka Flocka FlameImage: Waka Flocka FlameImage: Waka Flocka Flame

Image: Waka Flocka Flame