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The Personal: Exclusive Interview with Tae DaeShun

Tae didnt create a persona when entering this rap world. He wanted to keep it personal connect with the people. His strength is soaked in his resilience. His music drowns in southern lingo while taking a gasp of fresh consciousnesses to stay alive. Don't write my story. I got this. This is the exclusive interview of TaeDeShun only at #v2

    Tell us who is Tae Deshun?

Well Basically Tae Deshun is just a young man from Memphis Tennessee with aspirations of becoming a rapper and being the best at it that I can. I Grew up in the Douglass neighborhood in North Memphis.

What was the inspiration behind the name? 

The Inspiration came from Kendrick Lamar honestly. I got a chance to watch one of his interviews where he was telling about why he had changed his name from K. Dot to Kendrick and his reasoning stood out to me. Basically he wanted to be more personal with his music and himself and that's exactly how I want to be with my music.

So tell us how your about your childhood? How was growing up

My childhood was kinda everywhere. My parents were separated a little after I was born. They both still took care of me and I got a chance to be around both sides of my family. I wasn't really the cool kid back then either lol. I was a bit of a loner even though in school I tried as hard as I could to be accepted by my peers.

Mom and Dad separated when you was still young? Then you father was arrested and miss a big part of your life. How did that change you?

My Mom and Dad separated around maybe my 1st or 2nd birthday. They were still the best of friends and kept a well enough chemistry to be able to raise me together. Yes my dad got arrested when I was 13 or so. It was pretty difficult not being able to have him around at that time to bond the way we wanted to but it made me stronger as a person.

Both your father and Uncle was local rappers. How was their influence and how do they feel about your music today?

My dad tells me that he is proud of me every chance he gets lol. He stands behind me and my music 100%. He always listens to my songs and he speaks about me highly. I talk to my uncle from time to time and we have had talks about it and he also told me that he supports it and like what I'm doing. Those remarks I feel are the world to me because these are the same  I use to idolize and look up too.

When did you first get into music? When was that "this is what I want to do moment"

I first got into music back in like 6th grade. At that time I was writing poetry. I didn't start being public about writing that until a year later. From that point I started writing more and crossed over into rap. I was but I wasn't really that serious about it yet because I was still doubting myself. I didn't stop flirting with the thought until I turned 16. At that time I studied music on a daily basis. I listened to it everyday. I watched other artists and their lifestyle and by that time I was in love with everything. the culture and all. that was when I was like "yeah, I can definitely do this. this is what I want to do."

Speaking of getting started their was a moment you thought about giving it all up?

Unfortunately Yeah. Reason behind that was because I felt like I had been told "You have that gift" or "You have the talent" for so long and I had been so serious about it for so long and I wasn't seeing any progress from it. At that point I start asking myself "is this really what im suppose to be doing? and if so why cant I make any progress?" I really wanted to be heard and I was aggravated that I wasn't.

How would you describe your music, for people who havent heard you before? Which 3 artist would you take to form up your style if you had too.

Well I try to take different aspects of music when I create my own. I try to make songs for different audiences while maintaining my southern roots with it. some songs you can party to, some you can relate to, and some you can learn from. the three artists I would say that had a big impact on my style would be T.I., Big Krit, And Andre 3000

How do you feel about the state of hiphop in Memphis TN?

I feel like There isn't enough diversity in the hip-hop scene in Memphis. The majority is riding on the same wave. No disrespect to anybody but I feel like with as much talent and as many artists as there is in the city everybody should have their own unique sound

Take us through your process of creating


My Process is fairly easy. My music comes from raw emotion. When I listen to a beat I feed off of what it sounds like. The personality of the track and how its put together is what leads me to write whatever I say. The track itself is literally what moves my pen and pad

Fill us in on your rap label group "Soul Trip"?

Soul Trip is myself, Michael Royal, Berry Smokah, and J Da Monster mainly. There are several others as well that are apart of the group too but we are like the main 4. We are all individual nonetheless but Soul Trip is like our foundation. our empire.

Tell us about that High School Cypher moment?

That moment was crazy. I was going to Douglass High at the time and we were in gym at the time. For the most part it was a regular class until me and few other friends/classmates started a rap session during class. For us this was a normal thing until some of the schools best rappers came together and started rapping. 3 bleacher rows of students turned into a class wide audience. it was like our own live show

Tell us about your upcoming EP "Sleep Walker"?

Sleep Walker EP is very special to me because this is the first EVER project that I have worked on. it will be about 7-8 songs in total but its just something I wanted to put out so people could get to know me more as an artist. Following that will be the Sleep Walker Mixtape. I promise to go all out on both projects.

Any shoutouts, sites, events, anything you wan to tell the people of #V2?

Shout out to my guy ace million for setting everything up and being a supporter of me and my music as well as Soul Trip. for everybody who enjoyed reading I thank you all as well and you can listen to find me on facebook, instagram, twitter, and soundcloud. Thank you so much again Both V2 and the viewers and I hope you keep rocking with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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