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SC Shooter Dylann Roof's Roommate Arrested By FBI

Joseph Meek, friend of alleged South Carolina church shooter Dylann Roof, was arrested by the FBI on Thursday (September 17) afternoon, according to The State. Meek was one of the last people to speak to Roof before he shot and killed nine people at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in June of this year, and he also admitted to Roof staying with him before committing the crime. 
The State reported that on August 6, the FBI warned Meek that he was a potential suspect for making false statements after the shooting and also for misprision, also known as concealing information about a crime from authorities, which are both felonies. 
Meek previously told the AP that a drunken Roof complained to him that "blacks were taking over the world" and he felt that "someone needed to do something about it for the white race" while Roof was living at his home. He explained that he took Roof's gun away from him that night, but Meek admitted that he later gave it back to him the following day. 
The man also told the AP that he was the first person to call authorities and reveal Roof's identity after recognizing him in surveillance footage from the church. 
Source: The State SC Shooter Dylann Roof's Roommate Arrested By FBI