Too Far? Cake Heavy Model Gets 16-in Waist With Corset Training
Waist training is all the rage online right now, but model Kelly Lee Dekay may have even the curviest models beat with her 16-inch waist that took seven years to achieve. The 27-year-old New Yorker admits that she was inspired by cartoon characters Jessica Rabbit and Marvel's Storm, who are known for their small waists, and took on the challenge in real life.
She told Barcroft TV, "Growing up I just loved the exaggeration of styles and the beautiful costumes that comic book characters would wear and that led to the aesthetic that led to tight-lacing. I like that they wore their personalities externally. I do understand their measurements can't ever possibly be achieved because they would break."
Kelly has attained her eye-popping look by wearing a bone corset every day, even while participating in various sports.
"I actually did hiking in my corset and that's very dangerous. I also played softball in a corset once, that was an interesting feeling, but I don't go to the gym in a corset - that's really dangerous because I do weight lifting. But if I do want to do something extreme, I don't limit myself. If I have to be out of my corset, then I'm out of it."