NYC-based Doctor Tests Positive For Ebola Virus/Another Teen shot in St.Louis by Police
NYC-based Doctor Tests Positive For Ebola Virus

A 33-year-old Doctors Without Borders physician who recently treated Ebola patients in Guinea was rushed in an ambulance with police escorts from his Harlem home to Bellevue Hospital on Thursday, sources said.Craig Spencer, who was was suffering from Ebola-like symptoms — a 103-degree fever and nausea — spent Wednesday night bowling in Williamsburg, the sources said. He used Uber taxis to get there and back.He landed at JFK airport on Oct. 17 on a connecting flight from Brussels, a source said. Spencer’s temperature was 98.7 degrees upon arrival, the source added.Clad in hazmat suits, FDNY hazardous materials specialists sealed off his fifth-floor apartment around noon. Cops blocked off West 147th Street between Broadway and Amsterdam after he was taken to the hospital, witness Oscar Nunez said.Another witness saw a person wrapped in blankets “like a mummy” being lifted from a wheelchair to a stretcher that was placed inside an ambulance.“EMS HAZ TAC Units transferred to Bellevue Hospital a patient who presented a fever and gastrointestinal symptoms,” the Health Department wrote in a statement.Spencer had been working with Doctors Without Borders in Africa, treating Ebola patients in Guinea, sources said.“I want to assure everyone in Northern Manhattan that City, State and Federal public health authorities are responding with the highest possible level of urgency and marshaling every resource at their disposal to respond to this possible case,” he said in a statement.
Autopsy Report Shows Black St. Louis Teen Was Shot By Police Six Times From Behind
The autopsy report done on an 18-year-old black teen who was fatally gunned down by an off-duty police officer who claimed the teen was armed & fired at him first has revealed that the teen was shot 6 times from behind.