Drake Friend dissed Rihanna said she deserved to be beaten

According to a fan who goes by the name of Sarah O under the Twitter tag "@Hi_Haterzzz," a member of Drake's crew recently dissed Rihanna badly a V.I.P after party.  She took to Twitter where she explained that her coworker informed her of what was allegedly said by Drake's associate while at the party.  
Her coworker and her cousin were apparently taken into the VIP section of a particular club by Drake's entourage after attending one of his recent concerts.  It was there that his friend, who he has posted multiple pictures with on his own Instagram account, allegedly dropped a bunch of foul comments on Drake's alleged lover, Rihanna.  The man responsible for the alleged slander was described as "the white one with the ginger beard," on Twitter.  
Sarah O claims that Drake's friend called Rihanna a "b*tch" to her coworker and claimed that she is "so demanding no wonder Chris hit her."  He also allegedly told her that non of Drake's crew likes her but Drake is too head-over-heels for her already so he won't stop seeing her.  She has since deleted the tweets after being bombarded with insults from Rihanna's loyal Twitter following.Fan Claims Drake's Friend Dissed Rihanna Badly at VIP Party

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