Black Student Under Fire For Art That Shows 2 White Men Lynched
Black Student Under Fire For Art That Shows 2 White Men Lynched
Via Fox40 reports:

Only one word comes to mind when you see these images posted on Instagram: disturbing.
Students got an eyeful walking on the campus of Sacramento State University earlier in December. Two males dangling from a tree with nooses around their necks, portraying a time that many African Americans wish they could forget – lynchings, all because of the color of their skin.
“I think it’s more impactful when you use actual people, sends a stronger message that just a painting,” said Sac State student Alexander Richmond.
That was the message the artist wanted to get across.
An African American woman, Christina Edwards – a senior at the university – defended her project.
“The purpose of this performance was to bring to light social injustices and the issue of inequality that impacts me and my community as a whole,” Edwards said.
Edwards says she chose to illustrate this time in history by using race reversal, in an effort to shine new light on an old but standing matter. And says she followed all campus procedures.
The university doesn’t see it that way, however. University President Alexander Gonzalez released this statement saying, in part: “The university did not approve the display, and I want to assure everyone that I am working to address the multiple issues raised by this incident.”
Via Fox40 reports:
Only one word comes to mind when you see these images posted on Instagram: disturbing.
Students got an eyeful walking on the campus of Sacramento State University earlier in December. Two males dangling from a tree with nooses around their necks, portraying a time that many African Americans wish they could forget – lynchings, all because of the color of their skin.
That was the message the artist wanted to get across.
An African American woman, Christina Edwards – a senior at the university – defended her project.
“The purpose of this performance was to bring to light social injustices and the issue of inequality that impacts me and my community as a whole,” Edwards said.
Edwards says she chose to illustrate this time in history by using race reversal, in an effort to shine new light on an old but standing matter. And says she followed all campus procedures.
The university doesn’t see it that way, however. University President Alexander Gonzalez released this statement saying, in part: “The university did not approve the display, and I want to assure everyone that I am working to address the multiple issues raised by this incident.”
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