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New “Ghetto Tracker” App Faces Public Backlash

ghettoNew “Ghetto Tracker” App Faces Public Backlash
All these racist, non-minority “people” running around violently attacking others based on their skin color and getting away with it yet they’re the ones who don’t feel safe?

Now, aint THAT about a beyotch.

via Huffington Post

In less than 24 hours, a new app tactfully titled Ghetto Tracker–a service seeking to help people identify safe areas in unfamiliar cities–has already garnered enough backlash to prompt an immediate name change to Good Part of Town.

However, the PR move may not do much to alter the public’s reception of the app, which critics are slamming as a racist, classist app for helping the rich to avoid the poor.

The app functions by allowing locals to rate the safety of different parts of a given area. According to The Week, the original launch of the page featured a white family of four smiling alongside the app’s promise to show users “which parts of town are safe and which ones are ghetto, or unsafe.”

In addition to the name change, all mention of the word “ghetto” has been removed from the site. The site now features an ethnically diverse family on its homepage.

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