Michael Jordan is about to have a SUPER wedding!

Michael Jordan’s wedding will be the size of 2 fields(football) with over 2,000 invited guests!

Michael Jordan And Yviette Prieto Wedding Set For This Weekend

MJ might have tried to keep things on the DL with his upcoming nuptials to longtime boo thang Yviette Prieto but details of his ultra lavish affair have leaked….
Via Gossip Extra reports:
It’s going to be as HUGE as Jordan’s play in the old Chicago Bulls’ six championship drives!
One employee of a vendor working near Jordan’s 37,000-square-foot home told us nearly 20 young men are building tents for the reception and banquet.
The sheer size of the structures surprised our source, the veteran of a dozen big deal weddings.
“Three tents are being put up in his backyard, over the surface of two football fields,” he said.
Most of those involved with Jordan’s wedding have signed confidentiality agreements, and the source asked not to be identified by name.
“I calculated a total under-roof space of about 600 feet long by 150 feet wide. I’ve never seen anything like it. I’ve been working weddings for a while. It looks like he’s having about 2,000 people over.”
The amount of equipment being brought to the house is also impressive.
By mid-afternoon today, three semis with Illinois license plates waiting in line for access to Jordan’s property.
There were four smaller trucks as well, and two large vans carrying the sound system for the party.
A cop source in Palm Beach, of all places, tells me the tiny island’s department has been ordered to beef up security at Bethesda-By-The-Sea Episcopal Church from 2-6 p.m. Saturday afternoon.
The occasion?
A “big” wedding!

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