Police shoot man: Thought he had a bomb but was a candy bar
A man in an animal outfit was shot on Thursday (April 28) by the police after threatening to detonate a bomb at the WBFF Fox45 news station in Baltimore, Maryland. The suspect was not killed by the shot, but is in serious condition. He is expected to live, according to local police.

According to the police, the suspect is 25-years-old, and was not complying with officers, which led to them shooting the suspect to take him down. The suspect was carrying what looked like candy bars wrapped in foil paper and put together on a makeshift circuit-board to look like a real bomb. The bomb squad on the scene confirmed that the bomb was not real. Once the suspect was taken down by the police, he was stripped of his clothing which contained the fake bomb, then carried out by bomb squad units and taken away to the hospital by an ambulance.
Source: businessinsider.com