Ray Rice’s Wife Found Texts From Raven’s Employee Before Attack
Former NFL player Ray Rice recently made headlines for attacking his now-wife Janay in an Atlantic City elevator. Rumors swirled that singer Teyana Taylor was the woman who sent a text message that made the couple fight in the casino.
Teyana vehemently denied the rumors but now it looks like the real other woman has been revealed…

Via ESPN reports:
The seven-month scandal that is threatening Roger Goodell’s future as NFL commissioner began with an unexpected phone call in the early morning hours on a Saturday in February.
Just hours after running back Ray Rice knocked out his then-fiancée with a left hook at the Revel Casino Hotel in Atlantic City, New Jersey, the Baltimore Ravens’ director of security, Darren Sanders, reached an Atlantic City police officer by phone. While watching surveillance video — shot from inside the elevator where Rice’s punch knocked his fiancée unconscious — the officer, who told Sanders he just happened to be a Ravens fan, described in detail to Sanders what he was seeing.
The evening began innocently enough. Rice, 27, and 26-year-old Janay celebrated Valentine’s Day at the Revel Hotel Casino in Atlantic City with two other couples, close friends who were a regular part of their social circle. They had dinner and wine, then went to the casino’s main bar, The Social, where they split at least one bottle of Patron Tequila, Rice’s favorite liquor. By 2 a.m., Ray and Janay were intoxicated and heatedly arguing as he followed her into a hotel elevator. According to two sources, the couple fought about the guest list for their upcoming wedding as well as text messages Rice had received that night from a young woman, a Ravens employee.
- See more at: http://bossip.com/1037111/the-other-woman-ray-rice-knocked-out-his-now-wife-after-she-found-texts-from-a-young-ravens-employee/#sthash.F9BRimW6.dpuf