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K. Michelle Defends Joseline Hernandez

kmichelleK. Michelle Defends Joseline Hernandez

After people watched an allegedly drugged out Joseline Hernandez catch fade with Althea, Tammy Rivera AND Mimi Faust on the “Love & Hip Hop Atlanta” reunion, most people chimed in with criticism for the reality star.
Fortunately for her, she’s since found an ally who jumped to her defense in singer K. Michelle.
The songstress who’s no longer on the Atlanta season of the franchise, took to Twitter to defend Joseline’s erratic behavior and blasted all the “perfect Penny’s” onstage who judged her.
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She also reflected on being in the same situation as “the baddest boosh” when she was made into a villain on the show
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and encouraged her fans not to rush to judgement.
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