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Floyd Mayweather's Baby Mamas Get Into Screaming Match in Vegas?

As if Floyd Mayweather doesn't have enough troubles with his current girl Bad Medina and ex Ms. Jackson taking shots at each other, it seems two other women from his past have gotten into a heated exchange as well, which eventually led to a full blown screaming match.

The problem allegedly started when Josie Harris took to Instagram to call out Melissia Brim, claiming she's rocking hand-me-down clothes, shoes and bags from Ms. Jackson, while asking Nelly to come "get his old chick (a reference 50Cent made in his first video taunting Floyd last week).

Brim then responded, taking shots at Harris' weight and calling her irrelevant. When the two saw each other face to face, it appears they began arguing, with Brim eventually being escorted away.

You can view the video here and check out their back-and-forth via Instagram above.

Source: Larry Brown Sports

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