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Rush Limbaugh Says He Should Be Allowed To Say “Ni**a” Because Rachel Jeantel Said It Isn’t Racist

Rush Rachel feat

Fresh off of criticizing Camel Carter for his N-word usage on Magna Carta Holy Grail, Rush Limbaugh spontaneously combusts into the flaming hypocrite that we all know he is. 

Rush Limbaugh crowed on Tuesday that, after hearing an interview with Trayvon Martin’s friend Rachel Jeantel, he was now allowed to use the word “n—a.” He then used the word.

Jeantel, who was on the phone with Martin just before he was killed by George Zimmerman, told Piers Morgan that she thought “n—a” was a non-racist term that could be applied to any man, whereas “n—-r” was. This view is, to say the least, not universally shared, but Limbaugh happily dove in.

“So, n—a with an a on the end,” he said, before adding, “I think I can now. Isn’t that the point? Because it’s not racist! I could be talking about a male.”

Rachel Jeantel responded to Rush Limbaugh’s use of the word “n—a” during an appearance on HuffPost Live that aired Wednesday.

On Tuesday, Limbaugh had used the word out loud, saying that he was now able to utter it because Jeantel had, in his view, said it was fine to do so during an interview with Piers Morgan.

HuffPost Live’s Marc Lamont Hill played the clip for Jeantel, who said she had never heard of Limbaugh before. He then asked for her reaction.

“When you say it out loud in person in front of people, that’s disrespectful,” she said. “It is racist for an adult.”

“Does it matter whether the adult is black or white?” Hill asked. “Yes!” Jeantel said. “When you heard Rush Limbaugh say it just then, did it feel racist to you?” Hill said.

“Well, yes,” Jeantel said. “But I can’t judge him.”

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