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Memphis rapper schedules his own suicide on twitter! Fans react

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NLE Choppa previously took to the internet to discuss the mental health issues he was going through. Now, the rapper has taken to Twitter and threatened to take his life at the end of 2020.
In two tweets, the rapper said: “Imma Kill Myself The Last Day Of December 2020 Y’all Better Enjoy Me While Y’all Can.” He continued on saying “My Music Gone Live For Me Imma Be With Y’all. I Promise... My Music Gone Let You Know Every Thing You Need To Know, love y’all.” While there's no confirmation that the rapper is telling the truth, one can only hope he will not go that route. Stay tuned for more details on this situation. Image: NLE Choppa Tweets He's Going to Take His Own Life on the Last Day of 2020 Image #2

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bro i know how youre feeling rn, but i promise to you it will end. surround yourself in positive energy and completely manifest in it all. fucking swim in good energy. listen to motivational speakers. go for runs and listen to happy music while you do. i know you have alot on ur
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He’s just trying to sell his garbage music. It takes a twisted person to plan a suicide date so that people will “panic” and buy their music. It creates a bad stigma for people who do suffer from depression, like Mac Miller.
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YO!!!! U might feel extremely bad, but just know 1 year can change everything believe that please.

He’s not gunna do it he’s just trying to sell albums. It’s disgusting. No one plans suicide a year away and says buy my music it’ll live for me.
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