While gound-shattering movements like #MeToo and #TimesUp have accurately dethroned sexual offenders, some stories of sexual misconduct just don't make any sense.
19-year-old Breana Harmon falsely accused three black men of raping her after she was reported missing on March 8, 2017. Harmon is from Pottsboro, a town in north Texas that sits on the border of Oklahoma.
The neighboring town of Denison's police department responded to the missing person report when witnesses claimed that the door to Harmon's vehicle was left open. Her phone, keys, and other personal items were scattered at the scene. Harmon appeared a few hours later at a church, wearing only a shirt, panties, and a bra. She claimed that she was raped by three black men in ski masks. In her false claim, she stated that two men raped her while one held her down. Forensic and medical evidence proved that no rape took place, and Harmon was forced to admit to her lie.
Harmon was charged with two third-degree felony counts of tampering with physical evidence, and a third-degree felony count of tampering with government records. No suspects were ever identified or arrested. Harmon submitted a guilty plea on Thursday, and will likely face either probation or deferred adjudication. Neither requires jail time.