: Sammy Sosa decided he wanted to be WHITE a long time ago – now his plan is COMPLETE.
MediaTakeOut.com learned that Sammy has been recording “country music songs.” And check out his new look:
His reason for this particular look in the below was apparently part of a Cowboy-themed costume party for his wife. Sosa can be seen wearing a bright red Cowboy hat, a white shirt embroidered with red flowers, denim jeans and a gun holster (complete with a gun.)
What’s even MORE cray – is that we hear that he’s singing with a “country southern ” accent. Sammy Sosa was born in the Dominican Republic.
Since his retirement from the Chicago Cubs, Sosa has maintained a rocky relationship with his former passion. While he wants the team to recognize his achievements, the team feels that they are owed an apology – which Sosa is refusing to do. To add insult to injury, Sosa dug his Cowboy boots in further when he refused to attend the Cubs’ 2016 World Series run. Cubs chairman Tom Ricketts also wants Sosa to own up to using performance-enhancing drugs during his run with the Cubs.
“For me, Sammy’s a great person, he was a great player, obviously one of my favorite players for many years as a Cub, but I just feel like there are certain things that over time should happen before players are welcomed back. I’d just like to see — not just talking about Sammy — I’d like to see all of baseball kind of shine some light on everything that happened or didn’t happen. I think that would bring more closure,” he said.
Well, it doesn’t look like that confession is coming anytime soon. In the meantime, Sosa is enjoying his new country lifestyle in his new lite-bright skin!