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Subway Pedophile Jared Fogle's Appeal Denied, Will Serve 15 Year Sentence

Article Image: Subway Pedophile Jared Fogle's Appeal Denied, Will Serve 15 Year SentenceFormer Subway ambassador, Jared Fogle, lost his appeal against a 15+ year jail term on Thursday (June 9). His sentence of 188 months was upheld by a three judge panel in a federal court in Chicago, as U.S. District Judge Tanya Walton Pratt found his defense's position unpersuasive. They had argued that Pratt had exceeded her discretion and was punishing him for conduct he did not commit.

Fogle was handed the 15 year-eight month sentence by Pratt in November of 2015. It's length was beyond what both the prosecution and defense had recommended under a plea bargain. Partner and former head of Fogle's foundation, Russell Taylor got 27-years for producing and distributing child pornography. Fogle's attorneys claim that he is being charged for fantasizing about acts he never carried out, but prosecutor Steve DeBrota recalled various occasions in which Fogle attempted to solicit access to minors through adult prostitutes.

"The district court also appropriate considered the perverse nature and circumstances of the offenses... alongside ample evidence that Fogle repeatedly sought out and traveled to have sex with minors," said Judge Joel Flaum of the 7th circuit court.

Fogle's well publicized endorsement career as the guy in Subway commercials came to an end when his Indianapolis home was raided in July of 2015. The FBI found unlawful images of girls ages 9-16, with at least one involving a minor in sex act. An investigation further led them to discovering that he had traveled to New York City hotels to engage in sexual affairs with 16 and 17-year olds.

Source:| Photo cred: Youtube