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Bill Cosby Countersues Seven Rape Accusers for Defamation

Bill Cosby's attorney announced that the embattled comedian is countersuing seven women accusing him of rape, as he claims they are making "malicious, opportunistic and false and defamatory accusations of sexual misconduct against him." 
To date, 55 women have sued Cosby for rape or sexual assualt, and the comedian named seven women who put together a lawsuit that accused Cosby of falsely claiming they were lying about being sexually assaulted. Before filing a countersuit, Cosby's lawyer argued that the lawsuit put together by the women was unconstitutional and a violation of his First Ammendment rights.
Joseph Cammarata, the lawyer for the seven women, spoke out after Cosby filed his countersuit, "If anyone is surprised by Cosby's actions today, they shouldn't be. He's taken a page out of the defense attorney's playbook in an effort to shift the focus of this legitimate inquiry. It is curious that he has filed a claim only against these seven women, when there are scores of other women who have made similar allegations of sexual abuse and assault against Mr. Cosby."
Source: CNN 

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