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Former NYPD officer John Cardillo caused widespread hysteria on Twitter after he posted a selfie picture of himself holding his handgun aimed at the camera, in response to the #BlackBrunchNYC protests occurring in various parts of NYC and Oakland.  Cardillo added a rather trolling caption which many people took as a direct threat instead of a sarcastic response to the protest.

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"I'm really enjoying these Eggs Benedict so move along now," Cardillo added to the photo.  

Since he uploaded the image on Twitter, he's been met with an onslaught of backlash from people calling him out for posting content that could lead to potentially violent outcomes on such an open website.  Cardillo wasn't at all bothered by the criticism people sent his way, and defended his actions throughout the course of the day.  

He explained at one point that his picture served as a social experiment, which proved that people perceived as "racist" are "only OK with controversial political statements for some."  Cardillo eventually revealed that he actually posted that picture days ago on New Years Day, and simply used it again for this situation to see how people would react.  He challenged people to really question the severity of his actions as opposed to those who loot stores and engage in violent activity against police and regular civilians during protests or all-out riots.  He doesn't think that him posting a picture online is worse than people who actually go out and do physical damage and make real threats on the street, and denied claims that he is a racist.  To further ruffle Twitter's feathers, Cardillo posted another picture of himself holding another firearm, only this time it was a big rifle.
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Many people have continued to respond to Cardillo's bold tweet, and also the entire concept of #BlackBrunch as well.  These protests consist of activists walking into various food and drink establishments and peacefully, yet uncomfortably, interrupting the meals of the many individuals present in the store at that time.Image:  Image #5