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Find out the connection between Snoop Dogg and this Man!

Anyone who follows Snoop Dogg on Instagram knows the West Coast legend likes to have a little harmless fun and provide laughs for his IG fam. It seems that one man, however, doesn't think the Doggfather's jokes are funny, and are in fact extremely hurtful, as Snoop posted a picture of Instagram user Cortez Booze along with the caption, "Whose auntcle is this?"

Booze claims the picture triggered an onslaught of hateful comments, with users calling him a "fa**ot," "shemale," "ugly" and more. He claims he reported the post to Instagram as inappropriate, but that they left the photo up anyway. In response, Booze has hired a lawyer and is planning to sue the Long Beach rap vet.
Image: @snoopdogg