Apollo Sends His wife a Letter From Jail Calling Her A ‘Fat, Selfish, B****!’
Get a life Apollo!
Apollo Nida’s Letter To Phaedra Parks
While rotting away in a prison cell for eight years, Apollo Nida apparently took time out to write his estranged wife Phaedra a NASTY letter calling her a fat, selfish, b**** and a disloyal wife.
There’s nothing like being sent to prison for fraud to put a damper on a relationship.After Apollo Nida left his family behind to serve up to eight years in prison for bank fraud and identity theft, his wife, Phaedra Parks, took the kids with her and stopped accepting his calls.As seen on the season premiere of Real Housewives of Atlanta, this hasn’t made Apollo too happy — and now, he’s firing back at his Phaedra from behind bars.“He’s so childish,” our source close to Phaedra reveals. “She said, ‘He tried to get me together by telling me what he thought about me and numbering each pathetic insult.’” So rude! Who’s the one in jail, here?!“Phaedra said that Apollo called her a b*tch, selfish, fat, conceited, and a wife that ain’t loyal.“He even told her that if it wasn’t for their kids, he wouldn’t care if he saw her fat ass ever again. He said it to her in a letter just like that.”Our source goes on to reveal that Phaedra didn’t even think the letter was worth the cost of turning on the fire to burn it!She ripped it up and threw it in the garbage after reading the first few lines.Good for her!
SMH…what a loser. Luckily Phaedra ripped up the letter and is still pushing for that divorce.
What do YOU think about Apollo’s insults to Phaedra????