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Actress Tasha Smith Fears Her Jealous Husband Will Kill Her

According to TMZ reports:

Tasha Smith says she agrees with her husband that someone in their house has reason to fear murder … but she says it’s her.

The “Why Did I Get Married?” star just filed legal docs, claiming hubby Keith Douglas flies into jealous rages, calling her a “f***ing d**e” and accusing her of sleeping with other women. She says, “When he’s in a rage, I feel that he is capable of killing me.”

We broke the story … Douglas has similar concerns, saying Smith flies into booze-fueled rages and threatens to kill him, warning him to “not fall asleep or something will happen.”

Douglas got a restraining order last week, requiring Smith to stay an absurd 2 yards away from him while they’re in the house together.

Smith says she’ll call a bunch of celebs in their divorce case to validate her claims of abuse, including Tisha Campbell Martin and Elizabeth Rohm.

Smith says in her docs she’s friends with Michael Jace — “The Shield” actor who allegedly shot and killed his wife — and says she told her husband she was worried she’d end up like Jace’s wife.

Both deny the allegations the others have made. Fortunately, they didn’t have kids together.