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Lawyer Sets Girlfriend On Fire After Argument

Via NYDailyNews

A Minnesota attorney has been charged with dousing his girlfriend with hair spray, nail polish and nail-polish remover before setting her on fire as she slept at her condo.

David J. Gherity, 60, left his girlfriend of 10 years to burn alive in her Burnsville condo after pulling off the cowardly stunt on Feb. 9, according to a Dakota County criminal complaint.
David Gherity

The victim lost an ear in the blaze and suffered numerous other second and third-degree burns after firefighters — responding to a smoke alarm — reported finding her burning on a table.

“[Gherity] lit the fire,” she allegedly told responding medical personnel. “The bastard tried to burn my house down.”

Gherity claims he has nothing to do with the arson, but there is evidence that suggests otherwise

The Twin Cities attorney, who records show has been professionally disciplined four times since 1988, was described as nowhere to be found as his girlfriend was rescued.

When he finally appeared, it was at the Hennepin County Medical Center’s doors, reeking of smoke and having soot on him but denying having been there when the fire started, according to hospital medical personnel.

Building records allegedly detailing when he entered and left the condo, however, differ in his claim.

The victim told police in an interview on March 7 that she has not used hairspray for several months and does not use fingernail polish or fingernail polish remover.

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