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WTF!!!!!! NOSE GROWING OUT OF MANS FORHEAD, Doctors responsible

Doctors Grow Nose On Man’s Forehead
You can’t make this stuff up, who wants to go around with a nose on their forehead?

According to The NY Post
A new nose, grown by surgeons on Xiaolian's forehead, is pictured before being transplanted to replace the original nose, which is infected and deformed, at a hospital in Fuzhou
Surgeons at a hospital will transplant a new nose grown on a patient’s forehead to his nasal spot in Fuzhou City, east China’s Fujian Province. The patient, nicknamed”Xiaolian”, 22, suffered a severe nasal trauma in a serious car accident in August 2012.

He just received basic medical remedy rather than a plastic surgery out of financial concerns following the accident.
After months, however, his condition was infected due to absence of surgery and his nasal cartilage started to be corroded, making it impossible for surgeons to do nasal reconstruction.

However, surgeons came up with an idea of growing a nose on Xiaolian’s forehead — a medical practice never tried in the world.

The way is to grow the nose by placing a skin tissue expander onto Xiaolian’s forehead, cutting it into the shape of a nose and planting a cartilage taken from his ribs. Now after nine-month growth, the surgeons said, the nose is in good shape and transplant will be performed soon.

“We have gone through the hardest step and now it is not difficult to carry out transplant surgery,” said Guo Zhihui, Director of Plastic Surgery Department of Xiehe Hospital Affiliated to Fujian Medical University. He added Xiaolian will start a normal life once a successful surgery is done.

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