R. Kelly has been back in the news recently. The legendary R&B singer has always been known to have an affinity for young women (he allegedly dated Aaliyah when she was 15 years old), but his sexual desires are leading him down a similar legal battle as Bill Cosby. Several women have come out in the last few months to accuse Kelly of sexual, mental, and verbal abuse, and the "Ignition" singer has also been accused of running a sex cult. A movement, called #MuteRKelly, gained nationwide popularity and in response, Spotify, Apple Music, and Pandora took Kelly's music off their featured playlists.
While other artists who have been removed due to new hate content policies, such as XXXTentacion, have suffered a dip in streams, Kelly's music is doing the opposite. According to CoS, since the day Spotify announced the new hate content policy change from May 10th to May 16th, Kelly’s streaming numbers hit 6,676,000. His average weekly streams usually sit at 6,584,000, which means he's gained almost 100,000 streams since being taken off the featured playlists.
Throughout Kelly's career, he has faced several controversies surrounding his sexual tendencies, but his fans have never turned their backs on him. He is one of the few men who have been exposed for sexual abuse in the last two years that has not seen that accusations affect his profession negatively.