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As June approaches, the LGBT community and its allies ready to celebrate in conjunction with nationwide Pride Month celebrations. LGBT friendly businesses have already begun to prepare for 2017's festivities, and for the second consecutive year Target has joined in to support the inclusive cause by restocking on its "Take Pride" product line.
Customers who happen to stop in at the retail giant will have a full display of shirts, pants, shorts, swimming trunks and even iPhone cases to toss into the cart should they wish to rep the rainbow. In addition to the symbolic and stylistic quality of the line's items, Target is pledging it's support of the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), by donating 50% of each Take Pride item purchase to the organization.
Target kicked off its "Take Pride" campaign in the face of a boycott drawn by its support of a transgender bathroom policy following North Carolina's institution of its bathroom bill. The company has long supported LGBT causes, with support of gay marriage in 2015, and a more recent move to remove gender references from it's toys and bedding departments.