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KKK have huge party for Trump in North Carolina

IT'S HAPPENING. KKK just came through Roxboro. Battle flags & shouting "WHITE POWER!"

On Saturday, the Ku Klux Klan staged a parade through the small North Carolina town of Roxboro in the name of Donald Trump's victory.  The parade had been scheduled by the KKK following the election.
20 to 30 vehicles drove through the town, waving Confederate and KKK flags and shouting, "White power," and, "Hail victory."  Roxboro Police Chief David Hess acknowledged that there was nothing authorities could do to prevent the parade.  He did, however, tell a reporter, "I and the City of Roxboro do not condone the beliefs of the KKK," and later added on Twitter, "My heart is heavy that our community was chosen by the KKK to spread their message."
As of 2015, there are 190 active KKK groups in the U.S.

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