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Kanye Explains the Meaning Behind the Famous Music Video

kanyefamousTo the naked eye, Kanye West just put out a video with a bunch of naked celebrities. There are many who to be fair, have spent the hours since Yeezus dropped the video to his scandalous "Famous" single, trying to figure out what he means by it. To Kanye West and the audience that connects with, the minimalist visual is clearly more than click bait or tabloid porn. According to what West told Vanity Fair on Friday night [June 24], the video is a "comment on fame." Those left wondering can take it from there.
Twelve of pop-culture and American politics' most controversial figures to find themselves associated with Kanye laid resting beside the legendary producer/fashion icon, as 8,000 people watched before the L.A. Forum's 100-foot screen. As it premiered live in the theater, it streamed across the computer screens of his loyal legions of fans, and by morning it was being google searched and played by millions. Breast nipples and booty pan within the scope of a camera that meticulously observes the likes of Rihanna, Chris Brown, Donald Trump, Ray J, Amber Rose, Caitlyn Jenner, Anna Wintour, George W. Bush, Bill Cosby, Taylor Swift, Kim Kardashian and Ye himself. West's reflection on what it took to come complete with the three month long process it took to produce the video goes over the heads of those with questions about the nudity. “We were very careful with shots that had [something] sexual to take them out,” he said in the interview.
Perhaps the most alluring question is whether any of those featured in the risque project were the real, present, stars that the video's ending credits supposes them to be. Representatives for George Bush were the first to come forth and object to any notion as to whether it really was the United States' 43rd President. Others appear to clearly be manikins, but one of the camera's most nuanced areas of concentration is on the breathing of the bodies, during a stretch of silence that is enhanced by the sound of the live L.A. Forum audience cheering; giving it an art-meets-reality Hunger Games type of effect for viewers of the final and lasting cut. By their heaving ribs you are naturally brought to wonder who is real and who is fake.
"Guess what the response is when I show it to them?" Kanye is asked concerning whether other celebrities got a chance to witness his most daring work yet. His answer might give inference to the underlying theme of "Famous," but it makes no promises that anyone who comes across the interview would make a connection either which way. "They want to be in the bed."Article Image: Kanye Explains the Meaning Behind the Famous Music Video