Janet Jackson’s FIRST Husband FINALLY ADMITTED IT . . . Says He And Janet Jackson . . . Had A Daughter They GAVE UP FOR ADOPTION!! (His Story Here)

Well new evidence uncovered by Radar Online is suggesting that this is NOT Janet's first baby. The website conducted an interview with Janet's first husband James DeBarge - andhe admitted that they have a daughter together. Here is what he told the magazine:
“Someone had contacted me. She spoke to me by email,” he said. “The first time was two years ago. I have not been able to directly see her face-to-face.”The young woman suggested that they take a paternity test, but that hasn’t happened yet.“She suggested it,” DeBarge said, adding that he has yet to meet the woman because he’s afraid.DeBarge also confirms that when the woman contacted him, she admitted to being Jackson’s daughter.“She did but without saying [it],” he said. “She was angry because another child was trying to come forward and say that she was our child. So she did out of anger.”“She described as much as she could tell me because she was very fearful at the time,” he continued. “She was very angry about people running with this story about this [other child] being my baby. She got very angry. She’s like, ‘Papa I want to help you out.’ She had so much of personality and she was so accurate with everything she was saying, it was only things that I and Janet know. No one else but god, me and Janet.”DeBarge says the woman wanted to keep their new connection private.“She called me ‘papa,'” DeBarge said. “She didn’t want to get her mom in trouble. She wanted to do it quietly. She didn’t even want Janet to know.”DeBarge claims that in the emails he received, he found out Jackson had allegedly put their daughter up for adoption.“One of her adoptive parents died,” he said. “Her adoptive mother and on her death bed said she told her. She confirmed it on the deathbed.”In the beginning, he had suspected that Jackson had a baby, and even went on a search to find her, but had no luck.“I hadn’t known [that Janet had a baby]… not for sure,” he said. “I went on a search. Someone went through some serious changes to make it impossible for me to find. This had to be some serious inside work being done with the paperwork. Someone was working with them.”
You gotta go to Radaronline to read the rest. It's pretty juicy.