Kyrie Irving – My Baby Mama Is Keeping My Daughter Away From Me!!

NBA Player Tried To Get Settlement With Baby Mama Overturned
A judge has shut down NBA baller Kyrie Irving’s bid to void his child support and custody agreement with his baby mama over his claim that she’s already used it to keep him away from his daughter.
Kyrie said in court papers that his current settlement with baby mama Andrea Wilson gives her all the control over when and where he can see his five-month-old daughter, Azurie, and violates Texas state family law. He said the settlement doesn’t spell out when he gets custody of the baby, and it only gives him the right to ask baby mama Andrea to spend time with the girl – something Kyrie claims Andrea has already shut down.
“…The mediated settlement agreement contains no condition on which respondent (Andrea) must agree to possession,” Kyrie wrote in court docs last week obtained by BOSSIP. “As such, she may deprive, and has deprived, Kyrie Andrew Irving of possession of or access to the child for any reason, or no reason at all.”

Both Kyrie and Andrea are named “joint managing conservators” of the baby under the settlement, but Andrea gets primary custody and she and Kyrie have to agree on the time they can each spend with Azurie.
Their agreement states that Andrea “shall encourage frequent contact between Kyrie Andrew Irving and the child the subject of this suit for periods of possession that optimize the development of a close and continuing relationship between Kyrie Andrew Irving and the child the subject of this suit,” according to the settlement.
Kyrie also has to pay hedge fund employee Andrea $4,500 a month in child support, and pay for Azurie’s private schooling – though both have to agree on what school she’ll attend. Kyrie also agreed to pay the baby’s medical bills, nannies, daycare and extracurricular activities.
If Andrea moves, then Kyrie has to pay her moving fees as well as provide her a “housing allowance” on top of the child support.
The Cleveland Cavaliers player argued in court papers that although he signed the Nov. 2015 agreement, it’s totally unfair to him and he still has the right to complain about it. Kyrie also asked the amount of child support he’s currently paying has to be reevaluated if a new custody agreement is put in place.
But the judge didn’t buy it, and instead ruled April 14 to uphold the current settlement and fined Kyrie $5,000 for Andrea’s lawyer fees.